NYC Bridal Shower Photographer: Danielle's Bridal Shower. Ethos Gallery 51. NYC

 Danielle was showered with love by her friends and family at Ethos Gallery 51. The restaurant was transformed into a soft an immaculately decorated gathering complete with the freshest flowers and tasty treats. Heartfelt speeches by her mom, aunts, future mother in law, grandmother, and former nanny made guests tear up, laugh, and vigorously applaud. Her sisters and bridesmaids presented an original poem bearing high end and warmly received gifts- perfect for wedding planning, her honeymoon and beyond. The best part was watching Danielle & her future husband Ross laugh as they tried to match answers to hilarious questions -and they did awesome! Danielle & Ross will be married in Miami. Wishing you both a lifetime of joy, love, and laughter & thank you for choosing me to photograph your special day!


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